Lose 5 Pounds in 5 Days
Yes…Loosing five pounds in 5 days though seems very difficult but you can lose just by reducing your daily intake of carbohydrate to half.
It’s not that you totally have to stop intake of carbohydrates or sugar, but lower it down to half.
Carbohydrates are sugars and starches.
For example if you are taking around 200 grams of carbohydrates daily than you can start taking it around 80 - 100 grams of carbohydrate per ...
Lose 5 Pounds in 5 Days
Yes…Loosing five pounds in 5 days though seems very difficult but you can lose just by reducing your daily intake of carbohydrate to half.It’s not that you totally have to stop intake of carbohydrates or sugar, but lower it down to half.
Carbohydrates are sugars and starches.
For example if you are taking around 200 grams of carbohydrates daily than you can start taking it around 80 - 100 grams of carbohydrate per day, which will directly affect your weight and you, will be able to lose weight easily and speedily by this.
By consumption of lowcarbohydrates your appetite will get decreased and your cravings too will be reduced. By this one feels full soon and it becomes easy to stop eating every now and then between meals.
Sugary food, Pastas, cookies, baked food, cakes, ice-creams and breads should be eliminated to save yourself from consuming bad carbohydrates which tend to gain extra pounds but by following the daily diet which will make you to consume half carbohydrates you will be able to lose your weight soon.
Reduce bit intake of calories too.
Besides, reducing your daily carbohydrates to half you also need to go for walk daily and ensure that you at least walk for 30 minutes each day. Walking is the best exercise and it keeps your heart healthy and burns extra calories also. By walking most of the organs of the body get in motion and thus it energizes the body and of course helps in reduction of weight.
Eat vegetables which are rich in fiber and have enough proteins too in your diet.
And if you feel like eating between your meals then go for something healthy like eating nuts or fruits. Having salads benefits your body and gives your minerals and vitamins in adequate amount without gaining more weight.
Diet which is low in carbohydrates even helps in reducing risk factors associated with heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc.
Reducing weight by the above mentioned manner is more healthy and stable way rather than going for “Fad
Diets” as fad diets may sometime adversely affect your body and the results are also not long-lasting.
So for people who wish to lose weight quickly and easily means if one wants to lose 5 pounds in 5 days than the tips which are mentioned above will help you in that.