Why the Diet Gurus are Fan of Proteins?

Proteins or proteins are important nutrient. Our entire body is constructed using proteins - an adult consists of up to 12 pounds of protein. Every day we need protein for proper working of metabolism and supplement what we through for example dander, hair and stool losses.

Proteins in Diet

We get this daily portion of protein from our diet. The body uses that food proteins then endogenous proteins. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) you have to eat at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. For example, if someone weighs 70 pounds, he needs 56 grams protein per day. A portion of chicken has been providing 31 grams of protein, and cup buttermilk 8 ounces. But in some cases, require special attention.

Success with Scientific Diet

Proteins are good nutrition for those who want to lose weight. That's what researchers at the University of Maastricht chosen, together with scientists from seven other European universities. Diet rich in protein and low glycemic index appears to work best to keep weight loose.

A low glycemic index means the food that absorbes carbohydrate slowly. Therefore you have been a satisfied feeling. So no "fast" sugars such as white bread, rice and biscuits, but whole grains, vegetables and legumes. With this diet, weight could be lost without counting calories. The proteins in the diet success came mainly from lean meats, low fat dairy products and legumes.

Proteins are quite hard to digest; hence they feel fuller longer give. Compare it with fuel for a fire. Sugars burn as fast as newsprint. Fats stoke the fire as if there are blocks of wood. Proteins can be compared with embers. They burn long, so long provide satiety, and as they radiate much heat leave a portion of the calories in protein and heat the body.

This slimming effect of protein is nothing new under the sun. The famous American cardiologist and diet guru Dr. Atkins called all in the seventies we had to eat a lot of chicken and cheese and especially no carbohydrates like bread and potatoes. And in our country Dr. Frank promotes the protein-rich diet. Also protein weight loss shakes are popular.

There is only one "but": These popular slimming methods are very strict and deviate greatly from what we are accustomed. No bread, pasta or potatoes food is difficult to sustain. It is smarter (and also tastier) to the opinion of the nutrition researchers at the University Maastricht to follow: choose regular diet with extra attention to protein and foods with a low glycemic index.

Good for Muscles

Proteins have an additional advantage. They are important for muscle growth. Bodybuilders already know this that some of them start the day with about eight beaten eggs and eat a whole chicken at lunch. Why is it important for weight loss? More muscle makes your body a sleeker look. Muscle consumes (even at rest) more calories than fat tissue.

Athletes have daily 1.7 to 1.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight; more than double what is normally recommended! So far it does not, of course, but the fact is that proteins are essential for muscle building. There is one caveat: you build muscles unless you know them to work down. It does not make sense in the easy chair to drink protein shakes and wait until you're slim and muscular. But who are steeled and nourishes muscles with protein, is amply rewarded: more power and energy, a better figure and a metabolism at a higher level.

What are Proteins?

Proteins consist of single amino acids, as a sort of bead which connected to each other. There are 22 different types. During the digestion in the body that are cut loose strings of beads, so that in the end the separate amino acids are left. Of these 'strings' body then protein for the body's cells, such as muscles and blood. Each protein is unique and there are thousands of possible combinations of amino acids.

Out of the 22 amino acids, the body can have 13 of itself. The other 9 we ingest through food. These are called essential amino acids. They are mainly found in animal products.

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