Exercise Promotes Better Sleep - Learn to Relax


Exercises for Better Sleep

Many people are too rushed to before they go to sleep. The result is you are going to worry and cannot sleep. The following exercises help you to completely balance.

Exercises for Better Sleep

 Lay on your back, stretch your arms above your head. Put your feet together and slowly rotate your knees to the right. Stay down and pay attention to your breathing. Breathe slowly and deeply. Relax your body completely. Turn your knees to the left and leave them for a few moments and do the same to the right. Repeat this five times.

 Bring your knees to your chest and turn your arms around it. Cradle three minutes left to right.

 Put your hands on your legs and make circles with your knees, each in a different direction. Start with small circles and make them bigger and bigger. Keep your knees rounds, but change direction and turn the circles are getting smaller.

 Put your hands on your knees. Rocking gently with your upper body from front to back and make the movements more. Hold it for two minutes.

 Go stretched out on your bed: loosely apart your legs, arms at your sides, palms up. Close your eyes. Listen to your breathing and let your body into thinking deeper into the ground. Feel the relaxation come and stay down as long as you want. You will find that you fall asleep almost immediately.

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