The South Beach Diet Recipes and Tips


Lose weight with meat, without pasta:

What do you do when you have tried many diets but without success? Cardiologist Augustine eventually devised its own waste disposal method: the South Beach Diet. It is based on good fats and good carbohydrates. In itself it is an easy diet. There are more than allowed foods prohibited.

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Basics of South Beach Diet

In short, the South Beach Diet is based on the distinction between good and bad carbohydrates. It mainly eats healthy. Pasta, bread, rice and cereals are out of the question. Fish, meat and vegetables are good foods and you can according to Augustine largely eat. The diet is easy to follow and makes sure that eventually your cholesterol also decreases.

How does it work?

The South Beach Diet is based on the glycemic index of foods. This index indicates the speed of glucose from carbohydrates into the blood stream. Products with a high GI provide first a rapid increase and then a rapid decline in blood glucose. Food with a low GI value ensures a slow rise in blood glucose. Therefore you get less hungry. If you teach yourself to choose foods that are low to medium on the glycemic index score, you are doing well.

Phase 1

The South Beach Diet consists of phases in which you learn something or just unlearn. In the first phase you will teach yourself a halt and you do not have to overeat. We eat too much often while we do not compensate for that energy. Sweet snacks are prohibited. Instead of cereals and whole grains you eat just vegetables, meat and fish. This phase usually takes two weeks.

Phase 2

In the next stage you can slowly eat some carbohydrates. It is important that you should alternate and not all used simultaneously. Do not eat bread in afternoon. So you learn a balance in your carbohydrate intake. This phase is probably the most difficult and also lasts the longest. You can go on doing this until your weight loses. That can take a few weeks or a few months.

Phase 3

Phase three is easier. You may give more bad food products. Take account of the variety. If you insist this phase, the yo-yo effect is unlikely to occur. You have the appropriate balance for you. By This way of eating you persevere the rest of your life.

It eats you mainly have:
normal portions of meat, chicken, turkey, fish and shellfish
enough vegetables
eggs, cheese and nuts
salads with real olive oil
healthy snacks

Eat especially:
pasta and rice
mashed potatoes
bread and cereals such as muesli

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantage of the South Beach Diet is the healthy products that you do not need to weigh. You can rest some more food. You can eat three meals a day, as much until you're satisfied. You will find many recipes about the South Beach Diet in books. You’re missing the fibers in the South Beach Diet. Therefore you might harder to the toilet.

The effectiveness of a diet is dependent on many factors. Fast lose weight is never wise; avoid the so called crash diets. Revert to your old diet, the weight would lose quickly again. People with severe obesity (BMI> 30) can better consult a dietician for a diet to size than perform a diet.

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