The Usefulness of Sports Drinks - Benefits of Sport Drinks


What is the best thirst quencher?

Sports Drinks are very popular with athletes. They help you through the sweaty hours. But there are several types: hypo, hyper and isotonic. Which should you take if you want to get more energy? Is a drink with lots of carbohydrates such as sugars actually good?

benefits of sport drinks

During exercise you lose a lot of fluid. It is therefore important that you quickly replenish moisture deficit. If you do not, you run the risk of cramps in your muscles.

Water or sports drink?

Water contains no any substances that hold the moisture in your body. So pee you soon again. Sports drinks contain carbohydrates, salts and vitamins that retain moisture in your body.

A sports drink is really nothing more than a mixture of water, salts and sugars. In difficult words, it contains carbohydrates and electrolytes. Your body needs these substances required for optimal performance.

A sports drink is just fine by the acids that are added. Think of citric acid or other organic acids. The acids also ensure that the drink tenable longer. Some drinks carry extra vitamins.

Fluid retention:

Electrolytes (salts) are minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and chlorine. In particular, sodium ensures that moisture is absorbed more rapidly. In addition, you get thirsty, so you start to drink. Your body retains moisture better. The Result is that you lost the important substances through your urine. The other electrolytes are not very important for your body to replenish. Indeed, an excess of these electrolytes can cause stomach problems.

More energy:

Carbohydrates or sugars provide more energy during exercise. So many runners eat a good plate of pasta before the marathon start. Do you drink a sport drink because you are thirsty during exercise? Then a drink with a minimal amount of carbohydrates is best. Too many carbohydrates also inhibit the absorption of fluids in the body. An energy drink is only suitable if you lose little moisture, e.g. in cold conditions. The ideal combination for both moisture and energy drinks is with 60-80 grams of carbohydrates.

Anti Caries Formula:

Excess acid is not good for your body. The taste is pleasant perhaps, but how acidic your drink, the worse it is for your teeth. A sports drink with an anti-caries formula provides the solution. Too much acid can also emptying of your stomach and braking problems with your stomach and intestines.

Hypo-, hyper-and isotonic:

There are three different types of sports drinks. The difference lies in the rate of absorption in your body. Water is such a strong hypotonic, so it quickly absorbed and is therefore a good thirst quencher. Hypotonic drinks contain less energy.

Drink with a hypertonic effect gives more energy than hypotonic. It is not wise to take hypertonic drink before or during exercise. Fruit juices are strongly hypertonic.

The best thing you can drink is an isotonic drink. Your body can quickly absorb and it contains substances that are useful during sports. Even after exercise, an isotonic drink is better for a hypertonic energy boost.

Which drink before or after?

Before you start exercising, take hypotonic or isotonic drinks before two hours. Water is best just before you start exercising. Would you properly recover after exercise? Drink within two hours of your effort a hypertonic drink.

Sports drinks have a proven positive result from exertion. But it is the question whether this applies to the occasional hour of sweating. Probably suffice brown cheese sandwich or a banana also for the recreational athlete among us. Sports drinks provide the best solution if you are a trained athlete or abundant sweat.

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