Difference between Unsaturated and Saturated Fats


Cholesterol in food:

Without cholesterol your body can not function. One in three people has high cholesterol in the Africa. That is harmful to health. Nutrition plays an important role in what you should or should not eat?

Unsaturated and Saturated Fats

Fats and cholesterol are inseparable. Our bodies cannot survive without fat. But one fat is not the other. To maintain lower cholesterol, it is important not to eat too many products with cholesterol. But even more important is to choose the right fats. There are saturated fats and unsaturated fats.

Saturated fats:

Saturated fats have minimal need. These fats affect the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. This is not good for health because too much LDL in the blood increases the risk of heart disease. Saturated fatty acids have a greater effect on blood cholesterol than dietary cholesterol. Saturated fats are often hidden in foods such as whole milk and fatty meats. But they are also found in butter, margarine in a wrapper, biscuits, chocolate and cakes.

Unsaturated fats:

Oil, margarine and cooking oil are mainly unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are important. These fats are made from plants and they are essential. This means that your body can not make them. You need them to build your cells and your resistance. Moreover breaks the good cholesterol (HDL) from unsaturated fats bad cholesterol (LDL) from saturated fats, and thus lowers the blood cholesterol. Unsaturated fats are found in fish, nuts, mayonnaise and vegetable oils (olive oil).

Healthy fatty fish:

All fish contain unsaturated fats. Oily fish, such as herring, mackerel, salmon and eel contain the most unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore the Nutrition Center recommends eating fish, including oily fish in at least twice a week. People who eat oily fish twice a week have a much lower risk of heart attack and heart disease. For people who do not eat fish, fish oil capsules are an alternative.

The myth of eggs:

Eggs are however erroneously known as cholesterolverhogers. Indeed, you must be careful with cholesterol, but there is a big difference between blood cholesterol and cholesterol in the diet. Cholesterol-rich food has had little effect on the cholesterol level in our blood. Much worse is eating saturated fats. The egg has relatively poor happiness in comparison with the other sources of cholesterol to the in saturated fatty acids. One egg contains just a lot of unsaturated fats, which help to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Other factors:

Good and varied diet kept cholesterol levels lower. But food is not the only factor. Less stress, not smoking, moderate alcohol consumption and exercise are just as important to keep your cholesterol under control. Besides, heredity plays a major role.

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