Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks Diet Menu and Eating Plan

To lose weight one has to reduce the daily intake of carbohydrates, fats and calories. With reductions of these it’s necessary to have certain level of physical activities too which may involve walking, cycling, stretch exercises etc. It helps in burning calories and fats.

how to lose 2 pounds a week meal plan

Another tip is, Instead of taking two heavy meals, start eating smaller meals often. This will keep your metabolism ratio high which is good for health.

Skipping meals is not advisable and eating throughout the day is necessary for maintaining metabolism and skipping your meals will bounce the metabolism which may result in gaining more weight instead.

Keep your vegetable intake high and you'll be less tempted to eat foods you shouldn't.

If one wants to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks means 5 pounds in a week than 1200 calories per day will work for that.1200 calories is bottom so do not go lower than that otherwise it may lead to weakness in body and lack of enthusiasm. And yes if you are hungry than add little more calories.

Structured diet and exercising plays big role in losing extra pounds. If we talk about exercising than one should go for such exercises in which one feels comfortable.

If you cut of bit of calories from your daily diet and split it into six small meals than it will work more properly as having little – little food several times in a day will help to maintain energy level of your body and will even boost your metabolism rate. So though less but one should eat frequently in a day. The metabolism activity in your body will burn fats. Which will result in reduction of facts and you will lose few pounds by that.

Walking is very beneficial to health and 30 minutes of walking every day is recommended as with burning extra calories and fats it even makes your heart healthy and decreases obesity.

Intensive cardio workouts like running, rowing, jumping, burns lot of calories. Go for Full body weight training to make sure you build some lean muscle tissue and boost your metabolism throughout the day. Work on all your muscle groups. This will burn your fats.

Weight loss pills may look appealing, but they aren't as effective as the old-fashioned way of simply improving diet and exercising.

Thus by the above mentioned tips one can lose considerable weight.

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