Weight in the Transition - Your Diet and Your Energy


Find a new balance:

The known inconveniences can transfer the necessary extra pounds entail. The solution is a new balance between your diet and your energy.

Weight in the Transition

In the transition decreases estrogen levels in the body drastically. By estrogen deficiency the body burns fewer calories. The production of testosterone decreases during the transition.


Normally the male sex created testosterone in small quantities in the ovaries. The low testosterone causes for loss of muscle mass and increase in fat mass. Less muscle means less need for energy and therefore less need for calories. If your diet does not adapt to the changing needs of your body, the excess calories are stored as fat.


For the transition, in most of the women the fat covers especially on the hips and thighs. After menopause, the body hopes to focus more on the abdominal area. Women, who are overweight have be extra careful here. This may have an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes mean. Hormone treatments during the transition do not lead to weight gain and redistribution of body fat. According to some studies, treatments help in preventing the hormones.

It cannot hurt to look good on your diet during the transition. So you can reduce the risk of weight gain. Here are some nutrition tips:
  • Eat healthy and varied.
  • Use little fat and sugar.
  • Use olive oil instead of frying butter.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Join economical with soft drinks, sweetened juices and alcohol.
  • Drink lots of water, at least 6 glasses per day.
Every muscle breakdown during the transition counter, you will need to ensure that you have more muscle mass develops at the expense of adipose tissue. And that is only one way to move. For most people, walking is a good form of exercise. Walking can be almost anywhere, anytime. It may also help against osteoporosis (thinning and weakening of the bones).

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