Weight Watchers Points Plus Formula and Easy Recipes


Points Plus counting:

It is one of the most famous diets: Weight Watchers. The first course took place in the America in 1974 and now there are 300 weekly meetings. Weight Watchers has been more than a diet where you meet in groups. You can also follow online diet and they also have an application. But how does this diet actually know?
The idea of the weekly meetings increasingly relying on a nutritionist and eventually emerged as Weight Watchers.

Weight Watchers Points Plus Formula

Points Plus:

The current Weight Watchers is based on the Points Plus program launched in 2010 Instead of calorie count for Weight Watchers Pro Points. These values take into account the four main nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fiber. In addition, we will also look at the way of the body digests them. Satiety also plays an important role here.

Each participant will receive a Weight Watchers Pro Points budget. Besides the daily total, you get weekly extra points on the basis of age, weight, height and sex. This extra week you can use to unexpected meal times to catch such a restaurant visit for a full meal or a (daily) treat.

Special days

On this day you only eat products with the green logo. These are products that you feel fuller longer give a high content of dietary fiber and protein. The green products also contain fewer calories and have a lower fat, salt and sugar. On special day you can eat unlimited green foods until you get a feeling of satiety is reached. Even without counting, you stay with these products easily within your budget.


Weight Watchers recommends five Fit Formulas, so you really can lose weight healthily. The first is the daily consumption of five portions of fruit and vegetables. In addition, you can use the rule of thumb that a portion in your hand. Only with such berries or salad fits one portion into two hands.

In addition, Weight Watchers recommends two to three daily calcium products and 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid. Also vegetable fats should not be missed. Try it at least two to three servings to get inside. Finally, Weight Watchers also emphasizes the importance of daily exercise thirty minutes.


Scientific research emerged a new kind of hunger: the hedonic hunger. This hunger is not created by a drop in blood sugar, but is triggered by smells, tastes, or seeing or thinking of certain foods. Weight Watchers is trying with their new approach in 2013 to respond to this hunger. With tools and learning issue you better with the 'fattening' environment handle. A healthy lifestyle with good habits should be second nature.

Group meetings:

Weight Watchers is of course best known for the group meetings. During the course, with about 25 other students, you will be accompanied by a coach (professional experience). You will be weighed every week and also receive information about the theme of the week. As mentioned earlier, Weight Watchers are more than just group meetings today.

With Weight Watchers Online, participants compute an online diary and Points Plus products and recipes. In addition, there are videos on the site, recipes and a forum to share experiences. Weight Watchers also has an application.


From a 2011 study published in the Lancet shows that patients with overweight or obesity slimming better results if a physician refers patients to Weight Watchers. Lose weight in a group leads to better results than if the participants of the study tried to lose weight using regular healthcare.

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