Why does it cost me more trouble losing weight?

Question: I am 55 years old and I was more than 40 pounds 5 years ago without diet, in my own way. Over the years, I have yet another 20 pounds and pounds I do not now anymore. Now I can not anymore and I still want more go snacking, especially ice.

difficulty losing weight

Reply: Change yourself is one of the hardest things in life. Losing weight is a slow process that must take place but it is not easy and takes your life. You learn to do something (move) or to (steal) or something in a different way (cooking). It is really about what behavior is a slow process with choices, possibilities and limitations you accept.

Scientific research shows that these restraints are mainly associated with prosperity and environment that makes us fat. If we see someone eating an ice cream, we also own an ice cream. Seeing food makes eating and we can pay. On every 10 square kilometers there is a McDonalds. Chips and nuts are cheap, while fruit and vegetables are becoming more expensive and escalators are there everywhere to our convenience.

These are natural data which everyone has to do and choices to make. To maintain your weight, you need energy in balance. Intake and consumption of calories must be equal to each other. For example, if you weight 3 times a week 100 grams cream (200 kcal) increases, this is 600 kcal per week and 31,200 kcal per year. Here you get 4.5 kilograms of fat in one year, because 7000 kcal extra supplies 1 kilogram fat.

Also personal circumstances and problems can play an important role. Do you suffer from binge eating? Do you feel lonely and you often eat sweets? Sometimes it is wiser to your natural and personal limitations to accept. Sometimes it is better to recognize and acknowledge what the problem is and that it is bothering you and that it's wiser to work on.

You could discuss this with your doctor. You'll find that your end else comes along. The chances are there that it will be a big fight in which you will judge yourself negatively. Self-control disappears in this way.

Working on a balance and constraints can accept is often at stake, but start making you to choices seems the first assignment.

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