What do you eat during your Pregnancy?


Pregnancy and Nutrition:

It is wonderful that ever becoming rounder abdomen when your child grows. But how do you avoid too much fat and too much moisture store? How do you get your old figure back pregnant after?

Pregnancy and Nutrition

Dietitian Miry Lohan gives advice:

The extra pounds during your pregnancy are not because of your baby but you have stored the fat in your body. It is also of the amniotic fluid, placenta and membranes, the extra blood from you, the growth of mammary glands in your breasts, uterus and fluid retention. Overall, about 15 percent of the weight that you carry is extra fat. Obviously you save even more fat when you have too many snacks.

Oily fish:

According to research, Oily fish is good contrast. If you eat fish during pregnancy, you will get a child with a better motor development. It is recommended to eat oily fish twice a week, such as herring, mackerel and eel.

Taste and smell:

Your taste and smell often change when you're pregnant. You can suddenly get hungry in things you previously did not like or never ate.

Iron Rich Foods:

Many pregnant women suffer from anemia. This can be noticed because you're tired and pale. To avoid this, you must ensure that you eat enough iron-rich foods. Iron is found in meat, vegetables, nuts, apple and rye bread. You can merge Iron Rich Foods with products that are rich in vitamin C, such as fruit (citrus) vegetables and potatoes.


Many women have suffered from swollen ankles at the end of their pregnancy. This is because your body retains more moisture. To avoid this or to mitigate it is moving well. Use limited salt in your diet. Salt namely has a moisturizing effect and that you have now just not necessary. Another advantage of the inferiors with salt is that it has a beneficial effect on your blood pressure because that normally goes up during your pregnancy.

No lines:

It is not wise to align during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Fat burning has various waste products. These wastes come through your blood and breastfeeding. At that time it is not wise to breastfeeding your child.

Losing weight after pregnancy:

Probably you want your old weight back after delivery as quickly as possible. Yet it is wise not to go straight stern lines. If you stay with healthy eating and start to move again, these extra pounds are going off by itself. Remember that your average nine months need to ontzwangeren. Provide your breast, then up to 0.5 kilograms per week allowed, but rather fall less quickly. If you not breastfeeding, you can immediately start losing weight.


By only paying attention to your diet, you do not get your old figure. Move and sport to get your body back tight. The start is easy on your stomach muscles. Are your abs stretched by pregnancy and have some time needed to get back to shrink.

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