Cold Cough and Sore Throat Remedies or Treatment at Home

A cold in the winter you have to tackle soon. Also strep throat and coughing are typical winter ailments.
Nasal Congestion is one of the most common winter ailments. It is caused by rhinoviruses which is large group of cold viruses. The virus enters in the nose when the resistance is low and nestles in the mucosa. This becomes irritated and swells.

Cold Cough and Sore Throat Remedies


After a few days the mucus loose. If a runny nose is not addressed, the nasal mucosa swelling so bad that the connection between the nose and sinuses become blocked. The bacteria in the sinuses get the chance to multiply. Soon you will feel like your whole head is clogged.

This is one of the symptoms of a sinus infection. Also press the eyes and the nose bone indicate thereon. When inflammation persists longer time, it is advisable to see a doctor.

This you can do to complications from rhinitis to avoid:

Try to breathe through your nose.
Blow your nose as little as possible.
Squeeze while sneezing or blowing your nose never close both nostrils simultaneously.
Your nose pick is better than blowing. It also provides less chance of the spread of colds to the sinuses.
Put bedtime a cut onion next to your bed.
Drink enough. Tea of elderberry or lime blossom is warming and anti-inflammatory.
Do not take sweet milk. Keep the mucus in the pharynx fixed. Sour milk and buttermilk and biogarde are better.


Bacteria can also lodge in the lining of the throat and throat cavities. Strong multiplication of germs can cause painful inflammation of your pharynx, tonsils and larynx. The most common symptoms are problems with swallowing, dry and rough throat and hoarseness.

A severe form of angina is angina. These are swelling of the tonsils and the surrounding area. Strong pain, high fever, vomiting, and difficulty breathing are the typical symptoms. Angina should be treated by a doctor. Strep throat can also be the vocal cords and become inflamed more or less paralyzed. The result of hoarseness is in loss of voice and a raw or dull voice. Hoarseness is often persistent. It usually takes several days. A long persistent hoarseness should be examined by a doctor.


Coughing is a reflex of the body to defend itself against invading, irritating particles in the larynx and trachea. A cold touches the lining of the airways become irritated. Typically, there is an excessive amount of mucus produced. Cough is caused by the common cold and has either incentives that irritated airways yield which called incentive or tickling cough or a reflex to the excess mucus to drain cough. In order to reduce the cough you may take cough syrup, cough capsules or tablets.

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