Hormones and Mood Changes


All peaks and valleys:

Hormones have a strong effect when it comes to feeling and mood such as Irrepressible sense in chocolate, irritable, a thrilling feeling of happiness, sad or just total calm.

Hormones and Mood Changes

In a woman's life the levels of f hormone fluctuates six times:

  • 1) Around ovulation.
  • 2) Before the beginning of the menstrual period.
  • 3) During menstruation.
  • 4) Around the pregnancy.
  • 5) During and after childbirth (including the period of breastfeeding).
  • 6) During the transition.

In those periods, something happens which a woman either irritated, sensitive or become depressed or are just calm or cheerful. Every woman has the same hormones in the same amounts, but not every woman reacts the same way to hormone fluctuations.


For example, women who suffer from PMS (premenstrual syndrome) more sensitive to hormonal fluctuations than other women to whom this 'hormone misery' passes. Such women are also certain neurotransmitters (chemicals that nerve cells in the brains messages to each pass) insufficient, so the mood and wellbeing in the second part of the cycle are affected. Sore breasts, irritability, bloating, mood swings and a tense, depressed or aggressive feelings are typical PMS symptoms. The complaints are louder in start and then finally disappear.


Pregnancy is a representative example of changes in the hormone which provides high hormone levels, which usually a very good feeling. Immediately after birth, these high concentrations of hormones went away and allow withdrawing symptoms which manifests themselves in feelings of depression, irritability, sleeplessness and crying. In some women the "baby blues," which may takes one week or two. Prolonged sadness and negative feelings can indicate a postnatal depression for which professional help is needed. It is always advisable to consult a doctor in a situation with strong mood swings

Fun Hormones:

Although hormones go their own way, we can indeed occasionally adjust. A parachute causes a healthy adrenaline rush and certain sports are known for the production of so-called fun stimulating hormones. There is the 'runners high': an endorphin surge in solid effort.  Walking, cycling, swimming, dancing and sex ensure is also helpful in the production of additional hormones such as endorphins, dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. All Exercise is a natural antidepressant. Feel Energetic and move on.

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