Myths about Exercise and Fat


Thinning the vibration plate?

If you think that a slim belly gets through many abdominal exercises, then you're wrong. There are a lot of misconceptions about exercise and fat. Here is a list of the ten most common myths.

Myths about Exercise and Fat

Myth 1) You can turn fat into muscle:

Muscle and fat are of different substances. Therefore, muscle and fat are in place of each other. You can reduce the body fat percentage and increase muscle. For more muscle to build, you simply follow a good exercise routine. For less fat, you should eat balanced.

Myth 2) Only training with electrical muscle stimulators is enough:

Unfortunately, with a muscle stimulator you have probably not large muscle bundle. But these small muscle contractions are not large enough to achieve results. if you misused, you can even bring your skin burn instead of fat.

Myth 3) Vibration Plates allow fat disappear:

Vibration Plates span the crown regarding the empty promises about the results. Research shows that the same exercises with or without vibration plate, you will get exactly the same results. You need about 7000 minutes shaking for 1 pounds of fat to lose.

Myth 4) Endurance works best to lose fat:

Endurance is important, yet maculation years greatly underestimated. Muscles burn more calories than fat, even at rest. The more muscle you have, the more you burn. It makes it easier to keep your weight under control.

Myth 5) To burn fat, you must exercise at a low intensity long:

As at the end of the day part count how many calories you have consumed in total. If you want to burn fat, you need to consume more than you eat. The best training therefore differs per person.

Myth 6) Because many abdominal exercises, you get the fat around the belly:

The fat around your waist will not disappear. For visible abs you need to have very low fat. This requires a complete workout (consume more) and a balanced diet (less occupy) needed.

Myth 7) For lean muscle "you need a lot of reps with little weight do:

'Slim muscles' do not exist. Look of your body is determined by two things: how much fat you have and how much muscle you have. You can reduce the amount of fat by making the muscles more visible and more form in your body.

Myth 8) With the latest fitness trends, such as body balance, pilates and yoga lose fat:

These workouts are simply not intensive enough. There are physical improvements, such as improved balance, muscle endurance and agility. These improvements stead in the daily life. In addition, these "soft" training is a great way to relax.

Myth 9) To burn fat, it is best to train after eating:

If you train at certain intensity, the same numbers of calories you burn whatever time you train. In practice, one can say that the best time to exercise is the time that suits you best.

Myth 10) You can eat everything as you train enough:

Unfortunately, if your take bad food with plenty of exercise, you will be disappointed. The one is simply not possible without the other. Although bad food and not train much unhealthier than or train. You can get the most out of your workout by yourself with good feeding fuel from a power supply with high quality.

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