Heart Valve Implantation via the Femoral


Major risks:

The cardiologist explains, "The heart has four valves. If one of these valves has something wrong, a patient has to undergo with open heart surgery for valve replacement. Valve via the groin implanted, it is much less stressful for the patient,"

Heart Valve Implantation via the Femoral

"Through an incision in the groin, the valve to the heart brings and places. Absence of major surgical wound is healing much faster. It does not mean that it is a small operation. There are indeed major risks to which we tell always extended to our patients. "

Number of criteria:

This revolutionary technique is not beneficial for all people who need a new heart valve. There are some criteria that you must meet. First and foremost, we must be sure that the procedure leads to health benefits (duration of life and / or quality of life)."

Combining treatment team:

The cardiologist says that this is really a combination of medical engineers and cardiologists and surgeons. I heard in 2001, the first of this possibility and in September 2005 we have the first animal experiments performed. On 15 November 2005 the first patient in our Thoraxcenter surgery.

The cardiologist and his team treated 53 patients so far. "The people are so grateful and happy that they have been helped in this way. It is a great success and a real breakthrough."

You can use this method elsewhere in the world. We also give you lots of information to foreign surgeons. I can say that the success of the program is due to the interaction of the treatment team."

"The beauty is that the techniques and capabilities are being developed further. People have another good quality life ahead.

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