Crash Diets Advantages and Disadvantages - That Actually Work Fast?

Bread, Fruit or Juice
A crash diet you should never follow long and the pounds are often so again. But for those who want in a short time will fall quickly in three simple diets with advantages, disadvantages and advice.

crash diets that work dr oz

1) Bread Exchange Diet

What is it?

When the bread exchanges diet change, you ever have to eat bread only throughout the day. The diet promises rapid weight loss without feeling hungry.

What should you do?

You have to eat just dry whole meal bread and drink only water, tea or coffee without milk and sugar in a day. On the other days you can eat and drink what you want. You do have those days varied but healthy food, with an occasional snack.

How does it work?

The fiber bread is that by which you do not suffer from hunger. At the same time you get few calories.

Who is it?

Anyone who has the discipline to every other day only bread to eat and a few pounds quickly wants to lose.

What do experts?

Few nutrients encourage the Nutrition Centre to the diet longer than six weeks to follow.


The bread exchange diet is easy to follow and you will not feel hungry. You also learn more from food to enjoy during the 'normal' days.


The diet teaches you no good eating habits. This is a good chance that the cure soon arrives. In addition, a shortage of calcium and vitamin A occur.

2) Juice Fasting

What is it?

By juice fasting, you may only have a certain amount of fruit and vegetable drinks, without further to eat.

How does it work?

Improper diet and bad eating habits have a negative effect on metabolism. According to the authors of the juice fast, the body must be cleaned regularly.

What should you do?

On the six days of fasting you may only juice and herbal tea, fruit and vegetable juices that are allowed, providing few calories. By this treatment the digestive tract left alone, so that the body can cleanse excess fats and proteins.

What do experts?

The Nutrition Center recommends not more than a few days to juice fasting. It is because juice does not contain all the nutrients that your body really needs.


In a short time you can get two or three kilos.


The first few days you lose mostly water and then muscle. Moreover, there may be shortages of important nutrients occur. Another disadvantage is that many people feel the first days of a fasting unwell. This is probably because the body removes toxins. Especially headache is a common complaint. It is therefore advisable not to start this diet if you have a busy week ahead of you.

3) Vegetable Diet what is it?

During the vegetable diet you eat only vegetables, soybeans and potatoes.

How does it work?

This diet is energy limiting, speaks the body's fat stores to provide energy. Vegetables are low in protein, high carbohydrate diet with high fiber content and almost all vitamins and minerals.

What should you do?

During the diet you eat only vegetables, soybeans and potatoes. Meat is not allowed in this course.

Who is it?

The vegetable diet is suitable for people who can leave meat and vegetable love.

What do experts?

The Nutrition Centre has not ruled on the vegetable diet.


You can endlessly vary with vegetables, so the food does not have to be boring. Eating lots of vegetables also ensures good digestion.


Because a lot of dietary fiber intake too, can suffer from flatulence. In addition, the diet leads to deficiencies in protein, calcium and vitamins A and D.


The effectiveness of a diet depends on many factors. Fast lose weight is never wise. Avoid so called crash diets. Who revert to their old diet, you lose the weight quickly again. People with severe obesity (BMI > 30) can better consult a dietician for a diet to size and then perform a diet.

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