Reason for Obesity in Children


Recognize it on time:

One survey says that More than 55 percent of men and 50 percent of women are overweight. Already one in seven children aged 0-21 years. Obesity in children is increasing dramatically.

Reason for Obesity in Children

Figures from 2005 suggest that obesity has increased more than in the preceding seventeen years (1980-1997). Overweight and obesity are relatively higher in girls than in boys. That seems to be related to the fact that boys have more muscle mass than girls. Boys have already increased fat burning and can thus remain slimmer.

Predictive value:

77 percent of overweight children are seems as adults. As a child grows older, it is more likely to be obese as an adult also. At the age of 13, the degree of overweight is the greatest predictive value for obesity in adulthood. Prevention is better than cure.

Society changes:

There is a huge range of food and drink in many places. As a result, it is difficult for parents to deny their children. They must go set boundaries and structure. This structure should bring them in eating and drinking patterns but just only in the wave pattern. Children need little exercise instead of watching television.

The range of foods and snacks is growing and parents must therefore increasingly limits to set and consistent. That is very difficult.

Trends which have to do with motion:

  • Due to the increasing traffic, there is little opportunity to play outside. 
  • There are fewer and fewer playgrounds. 
  • For safety, parents bring children to school by car. 
  • Children watch much television and are far behind the computer. 
  • Something is eating often as consolation.

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