Counting Calories to Lose Weight While Shopping

More and more people are looking to purchase a new product in the supermarket just on the label. They determine whether it is healthy or not. But where do you actually look for?

counting calories to lose weight

Label contains the following nutrients often called kcal (calories) / kj (kilojoules), protein, carbohydrates and fats. Sometimes there is some extra information, e.g. fiber, sodium (a component of salt i.e. sodium chloride), certain vitamins or minerals and saturated fats.

Calculating Calories

In general, the term "calorie" is used mostly. The Kilojoules is nothing but a calorie x 4.2. So it's just a different method of calculation.

Calories are always given per 100 grams or milliliters (unless otherwise indicated). This can sometimes be quite confusing. Because a glass of milk is not of a 100 ml but it is between 150-200 ml.

Proteins provide 4 calories (kcal) per gram, carbohydrates also 4 kcal and fat 9 kcal per gram. If you add up, you will get the amount of calories.

Fat is often a distinction between saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats are bad fats that are not conducive to health. A product with less saturated and more unsaturated fats is better. Yet they both deliver as many calories. Sometimes there are even trans fats. These also fall under the bad fats.

Choice while shopping

It is impossible to get all the calories of all products to memorize. Therefore it is very difficult to determine whether a product is good or not.

You see in the store such as a full suit chocolate, and want to take this out for a change of pack semi-skimmed milk. There are 47 kcal per 100 ml in the semi-skimmed milk. There are 89 kcal per 100 ml in the whole chocolate. But a pack of light chocolate contains only 53 kcal per 100 ml and is thus a suitable replacement.

Note the saturated fats and preferably choose a product to minimize saturated fats. A little common sense is also important when shopping.

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