Facts about Dancing and Health – Dance makes you Happy


Dancing is good for Body and Mind

Dancing makes man healthy, happy and can improve sex life. Anyone can do it. You can train different muscle groups with dancing and by the rhythmic movement you make your mind blank.

dancing and health benefits


Someone who dances at least once in a week has a greater chance of a happy and balanced life. You have to go for dance regularly with your partner if you want to be happy. Dancing makes endorphins. This material provides a feeling of happiness.


Dancing makes sleep well. You have to dance with music to sleep well. Your body and mind react to the rhythms. It is therefore important that you have a good response to it.


You can train your coordination because you are not dancing only with your legs but also your arms, abdomen, hands and head used.


The choreography in dance provides an intensive exercise of memory. You must think carefully before making any move. Additionally you train your sense of timing. The movements must be placed exactly on the music.


A dancer burns as much calories as someone makes in walking, swimming or cycling. According to the British doctor Kitty it is even healthier than dancing aerobics or jogging. If you dance salsa or other you will notice first result after a few weeks.

Blood pressure:

Another positive point is that you never dance with hard practice. You will sweat and your heart rate accelerates. But that is only positive, as you will literally stretched your heart and lungs. This decreases blood pressure and improves blood circulation.


The lateral movements you make with dancing is strengthen your tibia, fibula, and femur. These are the bones that carry our weight. Older people who regularly dance less suffer from osteoporosis.


Researchers from the University of Sydney found that dancers faster, more frequent and satisfying their sexual needs fulfilled. They find it faster a steady partner.

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