Jumping Rope: A Real Workout Fitness Exercise


Rope skipping is not child:

Jump roping is good for your coordination, stamina, footwork, timing, agility, strength, speed and explosiveness.

Jumping Rope A Real Workout Fitness Exercise

Of course everyone has jumped rope. Especially children love jumping, but also athletes, such as boxers, use the rope to fitness and coordination training. the exercise also popular with physiotherapists. They use the rope as a tool often when someone needs rehabilitation after an accident.

Warm-up or more?

Jumping Rope is an ideal warm-up, but there is also a good full training and a fun way to lose excess pounds. Jumping Rope is one of the most effective ways to burn fat. The exercises are perfect for athletes and fitness professionals, but also for a beginner's exercise doable. The entire body is trained, while cardiovascular strengthening.

Jumping Rope as a sport:

In comparison with the phenomenon skipping rope is a young sport. Only in the early seventies jumping rope was as a serious pursuit. The American Richard came by his coach in contact with the sport as a warm-up.

Contests jumping rope:

Rope skipping is a real sport. It is the fact that there is a competitive element has been added. These competitions are held between teams of different skippers and the jumpers. These include strength, creativity, speed and endurance.

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