Low GI (Glycemic Index) Diet


Eat good carbohydrates:

Have you ever count calories or cook separately for your spouse and children? The Low GI diet may be helpful to you. In the United States, Britain and Australia Low GI diet is extremely popular. It's healthy.

Low GI (Glycemic Index) Diet

What is it?

In the Low GI diet you can differentiate between "good" and "bad" carbohydrates. Foods with carbohydrates are digesting slowly. It has a low GI (glycemic index). If you want to lose weight, you need to limit these carbohydrates. Because of your body digests food slowly, you feel fuller for longer. Foods with a high GI value (such as chocolate and cakes) seem attractive. It is nice and it gives you quick energy. But as soon as your blood sugar rises, it falls again. Therefore you feel just drained and exhausted. You will quickly be tempted to eat something after that.

How does it work?

The creator of the Low GI Diet, Rick Martin, has divided it into three categories. Each of these categories has its own color:

Green: foods with a GI below 50.

These products can be eaten unlimited. Examples are broccoli, cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, almost all fruits, whole wheat spaghetti, whole wheat macaroni and peanuts. A Mars and a slice of cake carry low GI value. They contain much less calories. Here you can see so much better not to eat.

Yellow: foods with a GI between 50 and 70.

These products you may occasionally eat, so enjoy it in moderation. Examples are whole wheat bread, white bread, brown rice, rye bread, pizza with cheese, cereal, popcorn, pineapple and ice.

Red: foods with a GI of 70 or higher.

These products you should not eat if you want to lose weight. The products are baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, fries, bread, cereal, donuts and dates (provisional) must leave.

Advantages and disadvantages:

This diet sounds easy, but there is a snag. The GI value of a product changes when you cook or bake any product. This also applies if you have a sauce or dressing over it. After sprinkling vinegar on your potatoes, you eat them every day. This is also the reason that opponents diet just complicated.

One well known nutritionist from the Nutrition Center says in about the basic rules of the Low GI diet with existing beliefs about healthy eating: "Many vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grain cereals and products with little added sugars have a low GI value. Potatoes are in a bad only due to their high GI.

Suitable for?

The Low GI Diet is suitable for people who do not like counting calories. It is also useful if you do not feel different meals for your family to cook. However, you must know a lot about nutrition for this diet to follow. The GI value of food is not constant.

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